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How does it work.
Their are 70,000 nerve endings on each sole of the feet, which are stimulated using Reflexology.
Reflexologists believe that by working on reflex areas, we are able to balance the energy flow within the Longitudinal Zones of the body and help correct body functions.
Stress is the commonest reason for ill health, the pressures of daily living and the demands placed on the body, such as pollution, pesticides and additives in our food , and city living affect us all in different ways, including headaches, migraines, tension in the neck, backache, digestive disorders and a weakend immune system, high blood pressure, skin conditions.
Reflexology is most beneficial in helping to distress, because it is an holistic therapy we treat the whole body, not as a group of symptoms, and can help physically as well as mentally. When we feel better physically we feel better psychologically, thus stress levels are reduced, preventing further illness.