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Hi Welcome to my site, please click around to findout more about How Reflexology works, the History of Reflexology and a little about me.


These usually last about 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on which treatment you are having. At your first appointment a detailed medical history will be taken about you and your health.

You will recline in a Reflexology chair where your neck , back, and legs are well supported, an examination of your Feet, Hands or Ears will then take place. Any jewellery will need to be removed. The area to be worked on will then be given a wipe with moist wipes to remove superficial dirt or to cool the feet on a hot day. A general massage is given to enable you to get used to the Reflexologist’s touch, and to help you relax. Reflexology is not painful, any tender areas are treated gently and the feeling is soothing, in some areas pressure will be felt but no discomfort.

Costs of treatment
Feet £65.00
Hand £55.00
Ear £50.00
Angel Reiki Healing £50.00
Reiki Healing £50.00